What Trauma Recovery method do you recommend?

I get this question frequently and it’s not that black and white, however, it has to do with more Body-Mind than Mind-Body work. In about an 80 to 20% ratio, depends.

 First, I believe there are four main ways a person can become wired for nervous system dysregulation:

1.      We can have generational trauma which gets passed on energetically through DNA which is also known as miasms.

2.      ACES Adverse Childhood Experiences

3.      AAES Adult Adverse Experiences which most often piggyback onto the adverse childhood experiences

4.      CIES Chronic Illness Experiences such as lack of support, invalidation gaslighting from both friends, family, colleagues, and unfortunately even medical professionals, discrimination, bullying, etc. which all of these would be covert interpersonal traumas of which these types of traumas are often some of the most demanding ones because they're not black and white, you can't see the wounds and it's often difficult to even pinpoint what's going on. We can have crossover from all these, so it can be complex.

 So back to the Body-Mind and Mind-Body…which the Body-Mind is usually 80% of the issue. Many can be in therapy for years and not make headway as they are working Mind to Body. If the energy of trauma lives in the body at the cellular level where it creates widespread metabolic dysfunction and issues in our tissues, many times people will not have the capacity for mindset work in terms of cognitive-based interventions, so cognitive behavioral therapy without body-based therapies can be very ineffective. So it’s critical in finding the balance between bottom-up, which is body to mind modalities, and top-down, mind to body interventions.

 For people in a severe state of nervous system dysregulation, we need to start with the body first, versus starting with the mind because they're not in the mind space, they're in a limbic state.

 As such, we need to work on Body-Mind first:

1.      Breathing (breath-work) exercises

2.      Yoga, Kundalini, Kriyas practices

3.      Tremor Release Exercises (TRE)

4.      Tai Chi/Qigong practices

5.      Eating to reduce inflammation

6.      Filtered or maybe even Deuterium Depleted Water, balancing out minerals

7.      Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

8.      Heart Rate Variability (HRV) like HeartMath (there are some passive devices as well)

9.      Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping

10.  Vagal tone (which is huge), and audio tones can be helpful, so things like that and there are more…

 Then we can filter in some Mind-Body stuff:

1.      Neural rewiring

2.      Gratitude

3.      Forgiveness

4.      Meditations

5.      Awareness of triggers be aware of triggers (Participant & Observer) and how they react to those

6.      Taking 100% responsibility for being their own best healer and so forth. These are just some of the things, there are many more.

 You deserve to look and feel your best and you are Enough!

Much Love, Light, and Joy to you


Bob Nesbitt

My extensive training has provided me with an understanding of the cascade effect on how stressors can lead to sickness and pain, which develop into chronic conditions. I integrate physiological balancing along with mind-body fundamentals to achieve equilibrium into a multi-therapeutic approach.


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