
Methodology, Methods, and Modalities

Holistic Nutrition Labs® (HNL), Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN), Wellness Code, and Body Code™ are at the foundation of my practice. These are systematic, scientifically founded, evidenced-based functional nutritional approaches that provide the client to heal by means of root cause resolution.

While HNL and FDN help me to identify and uncover hidden physiological stressors, I also use Cellcore Biosciences as my primary detoxification method to help my clients heal at a cellular level; by addressing a vast array of deep-rooted toxins, which can be blocking them from achieving true health. The Wellness Code and Body Code™ come in primarily to address psychological aspects of healing when left unaddressed can lead to further physiological manifestations, creating a never-ending cycle.

Over time health concerns can not only wear the body down, but they can influence the spirit and mind, thus adding fuel to an already chronically challenged body. As such a Client-Centered, Trauma-Informed approach is needed.


HNL, FDN, and Cellcore Biosciences serve in addressing the physiological aspects, and where applicable I also implement Wellness Code and Body Code™ methods addressing the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of healing. One is a neurological reprogramming technique that has been proven to rapidly act on the amygdala neurons and neuroglia, to actually change the brain in this moment. So we are able to change the way the brain responds by accessing the neuroplasticity of the brain, rather than circumventing the issue(s). Other methods involved are Transformational Lifestyle Coaching.

Symptoms May Be Common But They’re Not Normal

The human body is designed to move, be healthy and feel good. When we stop moving, we stop living, which is why staying active is the number one desire of people as they age. As such it is important we nourish our bodies and support ourselves in optimal ways.

Symptoms of autoimmunity and chronic health complaints

Unfortunately, in today’s society, applying self-care is becoming increasingly difficult as stress levels and environmental exposure to toxins increase, while our food supply and the food choices thereof we make deteriorate, right along with the level of healthcare we receive.

Symptoms of autoimmunity and chronic health complaints are indeed common nowadays but they are not normal. These symptoms are our body’s way of telling us that there is a problem, imbalances and malfunctions that need to be addressed. Masking these symptoms with pharmaceuticals isn’t the answer.

This would be like the fire department unplugging or removing a battery from a fire alarm on a building that was on fire. This did nothing to resolve the issue and the building was eventually destroyed. Stopping the noise or suppressing the symptoms without root cause resolution will lead to a mired of other symptoms that cascade into other parts of the body, resulting in Metabolic Chaos® and dis-ease. The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t make its profits on health, just as weapon manufacturers don’t earn their keep when there’s an outbreak of peace.

The Perfect Storm

Fatigue comes in all shapes and sizes. Difficult to precisely define, it is well known to all of us. Acute fatigue is considered to be a normal part of life. If you are healthy, it is usually linked to a single cause, serves a protective role, and is alleviated by rest or simple life-style change such as diet, sleep, activity, or relaxation.

Chronic Fatigue syndrome

It is never just one factor that causes a person to slip into Chronic Fatigue/ME, Fibromyalgia or other debilitating illness. Conversely, chronic illnesses like this are multi-factorial and multi-systemic conditions created by the “Perfect Storm” of stressful life experiences, compromised immunity, and toxic influences of various kinds.

Additionally, when imbalance and dysfunction go on without resolve, our stress response becomes chronically engaged. A chronically engaged stress response then cascades into other areas to break the body down even further and perpetuates this cycle of inflammation, pain and illness.  This can then lead into painful emotional turmoil, anxiety, and relentless depression. Any normal healthy individual who is suffering from Adrenal Fatigue or Adrenal Insufficiency will develop some form of Immunodeficiency.

Long term elevated blood sugar as a result of elevated cortisol from chronic stress also has significant health implications. The outcome of elevated blood sugar that is sustained for excessive duration’s may result in developing pre-diabetes and more severe diabetes.

This cycle of chaos can leaving us isolated and alone and makes it nearly impossible for us to be the best versions of ourselves, to live in the here and now and in a state of love and appreciation, to live our lives to the fullest, or for our mind and bodies to remain strong, vibrant and healthy.

I work with clients addressing gut health and the microbiome, sleep optimization and circadian rhythm cycles, detoxification, pathogen eradication, and more. I also use tools and strategies that go BEYOND the biochemical; working with mindset, psychoneuroimmunology, neural rewiring, nervous system regulation, limbic system trauma loops, trauma healing, habit change, mitochondrial health, and Bioenergetic testing. In nutshell, I combine mind-body, functional, and energy medicine along with transformational coaching that will leave you feeling informed, empowered, and inspired.

I’m Not A Fan of Running Numerous Labs…
But If Needed, Cutting Edge Functional Lab Tests Are Available

Cutting Edge Functional Lab Testing

By following the functional diagnostic model we focus on physiological function as a marker of health, rather than merely the presence of markers of disease. However, due to the inaccuracy of many labs, I only suggest labs when absolutely necessary.

Specific laboratory tests aim to evaluate the health status of an individual by measuring how the physiology of the body is functioning, rather than simply looking at indications of disease, which many of the more typical allopathic health practitioners focus on.

As such, comprehensive history taking, cutting-edge functional laboratory testing, and specific health assessments are utilized to help identify any underlying hidden causes of dis-ease, versus diagnosing, treating, masking, or by merely suppressing symptoms.

A functional test will typically involve a breath, blood, saliva, urine or stool sample. The majority of samples can be taken at home, but a client may occasionally be asked to attend the laboratory to provide samples.

These functional tests provide a window into imbalances and/or dysfunction that may exist in areas of digestion, immune function, oxidative stress, hormones, detoxification and intestinal mucosal barrier systems.

Cooperative Partnership, Encouragement, Strength and Empowerment

The best option to your continued healthcare is a functional approach as the frustrations that come with being told that everything is “normal” despite chronic health issues from your standard allopathic provider don’t provide answers. The functional model aims to provide root cause resolution in restoring health and vigor within a cooperative partnership between client and practitioner, providing encouragement and guidance. This method strives to help people regain their health and vitality within an empathetic, collaborative, and supportive framework.

Additionally, the functional approach is diligent in respecting individuality.  We understand that you are a unique person, not a test result, and that what is “normal” for one person may not be ideal for you. Healing protocols are designed and patterned according to each client’s specific biochemistry, demands and life style.  Once imbalances are identified, clients are educated, coached, and supported in the areas of diet/nutrition, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and targeted supplementation.

Strength, confidence and empowerment are gained through this process, as it teaches clients the skills and provides them with resources they can use as part of an “opt-in”, self-care program.  It is tailored for clients who want to take charge of their own health and wellbeing.  This time tested proven approach has great potential to help clients restore normal function and create long-term sustainable wellness.

The functional health model is a proven system that has helped thousands of people get well – and stay well – naturally. The ultimate goal is to bring the person as a whole back into balance and support the body’s innate healing ability.

We don’t diagnose or treat any disease specifically, but instead help each client rebuild his or her health.  Instead of chasing symptoms, we work to bring the body back to balance from the inside out.

 Get Help, Repair and Prosper

Get help

The partnership I create with my clients is one of mutual trust, respect, empathy, compassion, support, collaboration, inspiration and commitment to a common goal. This connection leads to compliance, retention and root cause resolution.

It is my goal to support and guide my clients in achieving their health goals in a cost effective and timely manner, which is something I wasn’t ever able to find during my own journey with most of the practitioners and modalities I encountered. I know pain on so many levels, and I can relate to yours.

I Don’t Medicate…


I am passionate about helping others, specifically positively influencing individuals’ lives. Educating them about how chronic illness develops and how to construct a plan to resolve it and then how to prevent chronic illnesses from re-occurring and where possible, to never occur in the first place. I understand the frustration, anxiety, depression, suffering, confusion, shame, and isolation that come with ongoing and poorly understood health conditions.


One of the most troubling beliefs (for practitioners and clients) is that we can move from A to B in a straight line–that ailment (x) has a quick or basic solution (y). Healthcare would be simple if this were the case! But it’s not. In order to treat the chronically ill, we need to look beyond the quick fix and begin to think differently. In order to solve the unsolvable cases, we need to take a functional approach. This requires letting go of the one-size fits-all fantasy and move into a new paradigm where we look at each person as a unique individual. I am also well aware of how limited our current medical paradigm is when it comes to chronic health challenges; particularly chronic, life-altering fatigue and pain syndromes.

While labs and supplements are many times necessary, you cannot supplement your way to good health, supplements alone cannot sustain wellness and while labs can help uncover hidden clues, it’s up to the client to do their due diligence, put in the hard work and not blame any other person, or any other thing. I can guide clients along and show the way and offer support, but in the end it’s up the individual to put in the time and effort to do change and make a difference.

Since I’m a FDN practitioner and coach, I provide my clients with solutions that will help correct physiological imbalances, improve lifestyle and address the mind-body connection. I navigate my clients through a personalized process to:

Critical Aspect of Healing

Vital elements conductive to healing